Your New Family Tradition
Christmas truly is the most magical time of the year! Christmas is a time for making new family traditions as well as celebrating the traditions of old. We'd like to help your family make new traditions that will bring your family closer to each other and give your family meaningful holiday memories.
Christmas Schedule at South Side
Christmas Eve Candlelight ServiceWhen: Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 7:00pm
Our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service serves as a time to reflect and bring simplicity back to those in attendance. We still worship in song and are encouraged from the Bible in teaching, but the highlight of the night comes when we remember why Jesus came to earth – to bring us back into fellowship with God the Father. There is no child care during this service. |
Sunday Morning Worship ServicesWhen: Sundays at 10:30am
On the Sundays leading up to Christmas, our church participates in Advent. Each week, we light another candle of the advent wreath and prepare for Jesus' coming to earth. There is childcare through 4yrs of age during the entirety of the service. For those kids ages 4yrs through 2nd grade, there is children's church. Children aged 4yrs through 2nd grade stay with their parents during the worship in singing portion of the service and are dismissed during the message. |
Children's Christmas Program
When: Sunday, December 15 at 10:30am
Our Youth will be doing a Christmas concert! This service is always full so please plan to arrive early.
Our Youth will be doing a Christmas concert! This service is always full so please plan to arrive early.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your church's covid-19 policies
We do not require masks to be worn, but there are members of our church who still wear masks. We just request that people respect other people's personal space and choice.
Do I have to believe in god or jesus to come to your church?
No, you do not. We welcome anyone into our services. Although life with God brings ultimate fulfillment, we do not make this a requirement to worship with us on Sundays.
What do I need to wear when I come?
Many people wear street clothes to church, but others wear business casual. No matter what you wear to church, you find others in the congregation dressing in the same way that you are dressing. We just ask that whatever a person does is done in love for their neighbor.
What is your church's music like?
Our church's music includes both traditional songs that have been a part of the church for centuries as well as songs written today. We usually include a full band for our worship services. You can see what our music is like by watching one of the videos below. "How Great You Are" is an acoustic rendition and "To God Be the Glory" is from one of our worship services:
Do I have to give money when I come?
No, you do not. In fact, to help not spread the virus, we don't pass offering plates. We encourage our members to give to what we call "Kingdom Efforts" with blessing each other and the community around us, but we do not ask any guest to give. If you feel led to do such, though, you can click the link below:
What does your church believe?
To view our entire church beliefs, click the button below, but here is a quick summary:
- God: God is the creator and sustainer of all. God has existed eternally. God is one God, but is three distinct persons: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- Jesus: Jesus is God in the flesh. He has existed eternally (Jesus was never created) with the Father and the Holy Spirit, but is distinct. Jesus was born of Mary, lived a perfect life, died on the cross to both pay the penalty for man's sin and provide fellowship with God and man, and rose again to prove that He is, in fact, God.
- The Bible: The Bible was written by various men over many centuries and consist of letters, history, poetry, and the truth of Jesus. Although it is written by men, the Bible is true and inspired by God.
- Salvation: The Bible says that everyone has sinned, and because of sin, every person is separated from God. Mankind was created to have fellowship with God and live with Him forever. To have that relationship with God, each person must believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that Jesus is God and that they need Jesus in order to receive forgiveness for sins. Salvation is by grace through faith.
Questions on Christmas Services
If you have any questions about our church's Christmas Services, please use the contact form below, and one of our staff members will get back with you shortly.