Hello SSBC family, The Coronavirus has affected every area of our lives, including our church gatherings. Last week, we still held our Sunday morning worship gathering, but also live streamed for those not able to gather. We want to live above the fear and panic, while at the same time be prudent and wise with how we handle our in-person Sunday morning gatherings. Much has changed in our city this past week and many announcements from our governing officials have been released. We have been monitoring the situation and have taken everything into account. Moving forward, our leadership team has decided that it is best at this time to not gather on Sunday mornings until further notice. What does this mean for you and your family on Sunday morning? We will be live streaming our worship service at our usual time of 10:30am on both Facebook and YouTube. As a part of this unique worship service, we will include the lyrics as a part of the broadcast so that you can worship from home with your family.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/southsidebaptistchurch Facebook: www.facebook.com/southsidesbc What if I don’t have internet or it is not fast enough and I cannot stream the service? What if I’m not able to join online specifically at 10:30am? After the service is completed, the entire service will uploaded to both YouTube and Facebook. We will also have audio of the message uploaded to our sermon media player available no later than Tuesday afternoon. You can visit www.southsidesbc.org/sermons to be select the media option of your choice. If you know someone who does not have internet so they cannot stream the service, please let us know as soon as you can so that we can mail them a DVD of the service later in the week. What does this mean for the rest of church life? We will be producing more content for you to be blessed by throughout the coming weeks, and we will be updating you on that at future times. We encourage you to like and follow our facebook page to keep up in all that’s going on here at South Side. To help you stay informed on all of our church’s updates during these fluid times, you can visit www.southsidesbc.org/coronavirus to get up to date information on all events and ministries here at South Side. This webpage will include a date and time stamp to inform you on when it was last updated. Some have asked about how to give financially to the church during this season of no gatherings. We’d encourage you to set up online giving. Here you can create an account and track your giving, as well as set up recurring giving via ACH bank transfer or a credit card. www.southsidesbc.org/give Or, if you’d like to still do cash or check, please mail your giving and do not bring it to the church facilities. You can mail your giving to: SOUTH SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH PO BOX 2494 SOUTH BEND, IN 46680 In this unique season that we’ve found ourselves in, we want to encourage you to not lose hope, while simultaneously providing hope for others. If you or others you know are in financial need during this time, our church is prepared to help. If you are needing help with getting groceries because you cannot leave your residents residence due to health concerns, please let us know as we have a couple of families willing to serve. We are thankful for you and your family, and throughout this time, we pray that you do what the Apostle Paul shared with the believers living in Corinth: "Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58) We encourage you to reach out to one another throughout the week through phone, text, email, or social media to stay in touch with those whom you would normally see on Sunday morning. We will get through this together! In His Service, Pastor Scott and the Leadership Team |